The Convergence Lab

Dr. Kassandra Ford (she/her)

Assistant Professor

Dept. of Fisheries, Wildlife, & Conservation Biology

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

Curator of Fishes & Mollusks

The Bell Museum

Saint Paul, MN

To any students interested in joining The Convergence Lab:

Please note: I am no longer recruiting graduate students for Fall 2024.

Please reach out during Summer/Fall of a given year if you are interested in applying for the following academic year (ex. in Summer 2024 for a Fall 2025 start). I will be making decisions about bringing on new students based on best research fit and funding opportunities.

There is a Google Form you can use to get in touch with me! I will respond to any emails with this Google form as well.

Additional details about applying for UMN graduate programs can be found on their website.

Thank you for your patience! Please see the “Interested in Joining” page for additional information.

I am an evolutionary morphologist who is broadly interested in convergence and ecomorphology. My work examines skull shape evolution in teleost fishes using 3D examinations of shape, statistical tests of convergence, and phylogenetic comparative methods.